Youth Gangs In Banyumas Threaten Residents To Use Sickles When Convoys Using Motorcycles

BANYUMAS Police arrested a group of teenagers carrying sharp weapons (sajam) of the type of sickle while carrying out a motorcycle convoy in Karangtengah, Cilongok, Banyumas Regency. Not only carrying sickles, these teenagers also spread fears of residents by lighting firecrackers.

Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu through the Cilongok Police Chief AKP Haryanto said the perpetrators' reckless actions occurred on Saturday, November 25, at around 23.30 WIB. Allegedly, the group plans to fight with other groups.

"Information that there is a group of teenagers who use motorbikes entering the alley in front of SMK Ma'arif Cilongok to the Cilongok field. Then brandishing sharp weapons to children who are in the Cilongok field. Furthermore, a group of teenagers was chased by residents and fled to the south", said AKP Haryanto, in a written statement, Tuesday, November 28.

When the officers arrived at the location, the group of teenagers was successfully secured by residents along with evidence in the form of two sickle blades.

"We have secured 9 teenagers along with evidence of weapons and motorized vehicles. Three of them are from the Ajibarang group and 6 other teenagers from the Cilongok group. They are suspected of wanting to fight in the Cilongok field", said the police chief.

The perpetrators were secured to the Sector Police to be given guidance for their actions to disturb the surrounding community.