PDIP Surabaya Starts The Ganjar-Mahfud Campaign In Perkampungan

SURABAYA - DPC of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) started the first campaign of presidential and vice presidential candidates, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD by installing billboards, distributing stickers to meeting residents in villages,

"B Bull cadres are enthusiastic about welcoming the start of the campaign period, with the spirit and fighting power to move to the midst of society," said PDIP Surabaya DPC Chair Adi Sutarwijono during a campaign reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

According to him, bull cadres are engaged in various villages by campaigning for PDI-P work programs and presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo - Vice Presidential Candidate Mahfud MD.

According to him, the campaign props (APK) have been installed since November 28, 2023 at 00.00 WIB. The APK is installed in public spaces, which are regulated and permitted by the KPU, Bawaslu and Perda of the City of Surabaya. There are also those installed on village roads to socialize campaigns for PDI Perjuangan and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

"All PDI-P props are required to install Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud. The legislative candidates are the same. Raise billboards, banners, put stickers, brochures and business cards," said Adi.

According to him, the mutual cooperation posts to oversee the jurdil elections have already been established in villages.

The PDI-P, he continued, has an interest in the democratic party process, which is honest and fair for all contestants.

"Posko-posko pengawal Pemilu 2024 be honest and fair telah ditaktifkan di berbagai kampung di Surabaya. Salah satu fungiannya, menerima pelaporan warga masyarakat terhadap berbagai pempulahan Pemilu, jika ditemukan dalam penyelenggaraan," kata Adi.

PDI Perjuangan Surabaya also introduced a '3 finger' symbol for Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

"Three fingers are a symbol of unity, strength and struggle for democracy which is now experiencing dark cloudy," said Adi.

Deputy Secretary of the PDI Perjuangan DPC Surabaya City, Achmad Hidayat, said that today, he has met community members and distributed Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD stickers from house to house.

"We are moving all bull cadres and the involvement of the community to win the PDI-P and Ganjar-Mahfud number 3," said Achmad Hidayat.

The chairman of PAC PDIP Tandes, Heri Akhmad Wiyono, held face-to-face meetings with novice and millennial voters, as well as moving door to door for the distribution of stickers.

"Yesterday, the speech of the General Chairperson of the PDI-P, Mrs. Megawati, to fight against all fraud, which we witnessed in a short video, has increased the enthusiasm and fighting power of bull cadres in the field. We won the PDI-P and Ganjar-Mahfud," said Heri.

In the Kenjeran area, bull cadres are campaigning door to door, installing props, and face-to-face meetings. Also spread posters of legislative candidates through WA groups and broadcasts.

"Bang cadres are working together with the community. They go in and out of the village, knock on the doors of the house," said PDIP PAC Chair Kenjeran Wiyono.

"We are campaigning for Presidential Candidate Ganjar Pranowo and Vice Presidential Candidate Mahfud MD. We are starting a long campaign journey, and we will win!" said PDIP PAC Chairman Sukamanunggal Triyarso after the door-to-door campaign to people's homes.