Entering The Campaign Period, Kominfo Releases The Pocket Book For Supervision And Handling Content For The 2024 Election
JAKARTA - The 2024 General Election (Pemilu) campaign period has begun. As a precautionary measure for hoaxes on social media, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology launched an election control desk operated by representatives of the Directorate General of Aptika Kominfo, Bawaslu, and Polri.
"As directed by President Joko Widodo, we are only three, hoaxes / hoaxes, hate speech, and the third to demean others. Lowering in a sense, the words of the zoo and so on are issued in the digital space," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi in a press conference on Tuesday, November 28 at the Kominfo office.
Not only that, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has also released the 2024 Election Content Supervision and Handling Book, which is expected to facilitate Bawaslu's work in regions in terms of reporting content that violates laws, especially the Law on Elections.
Director General of Aptika Kominfo, Samuel A. Pangerapan, explained that this pocket book will contain important information such as the timeline for holding the 2024 General Election, the legal basis for managing negative content during the election period, and how the provisions for implementing campaigns on social media must be carried out.
"What is categorized as negative content, what is the handling flow if negative content is found related to elections, so that the provisions related to neutrality of the state civil apparatus. This is the content of the pocket book," added Sammy.
The focus of Kominfo on dealing with negative content during the election campaign is related to slander, defamation, hate speech, content containing sara, terrorism, radicalism as well as violations of information security.
"The negative content recommended by the supervisory sector agency, in this case Bawaslu, content is troubling the public, content that violates the social, cultural, and neutrality values of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN)," he explained.
Kominfo and Bawaslu also opened a complaint website for anyone who finds content that violates the aforementioned categories.
Bawaslu complaint channel:
Kominfo complaint channel:
Email: aduankonten@mail.kominfo.go.id
"Well, other complaint channels have ASN complaints. So if ASN looks to violate neutrality, it can be reported to Aduanasn.go.id, Lapor.go.id, and services. Kominfo.go.id. We are open as wide as possible so that the public can report directly to us and to be followed up," said Sammy.