Dozens Of Elementary And Middle School Buildings In Serang City Were Heavily Damaged

SERANG - The Education and Culture Office (Dindikbud) of Serang City, Banten noted that 70 schools were heavily damaged, including 50 elementary and 20 junior high schools.

"A total of 70 school buildings were heavily damaged, 50 elementary schools and 20 junior high schools," said Head of the Serang City Dindikbud Tb Suherman as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Suherman said damage to every school with moderate to severe damage criteria would be handled by the Serang City Government using the regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD).

"We will immediately propose to the Serang City Government," he said.

Suherman said damage with mild criteria could still be handled by each school using school operational assistance funds (BOS).

"So if it is only lightly damaged, the school can actually repair it, including the availability of tables and chairs," he said.

He explained that the budget from the Serang City APBD for education is around Rp487 billion, from the budget 70 percent for teacher salaries, teacher certification BOS funds, procurement of goods and services as well as physical.

"That's the pattern we've applied so far. For the physical, school buildings ranging from elementary to junior high school, most of them are damaged roofs, because they haven't been repaired for decades," he said.

Suherman said that in 2024, the Dindikbud of Serang City proposed tables and chairs to meet school needs ranging from elementary to junior high school.

"It can be budgeted from BOS funds and will be adjusted to the budget capacity. Of course, the shortage cannot be handled by the school, if there are indeed many tables and chairs needed, we will help to be proposed," he said.