Maluku Quarantine Agency Secures 3 Yellow-crested Cockatoos

AMBON - The Ambon Class I quarantine station Agricultural Quarantine Agency secured three yellow-crested cockatoos that were categorized as protected animals from KM Labobar which docked at Yos Sudarso Port in Ambon.

"The protected animal was found at KM Labobar from Sorong, West Papua, the results of the supervision found three yellow-crested cockatoos whose ownership was not yet known, resulting in detention," said Sapiwan, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

The bird was found during the ship's surveillance. When quarantine officers checked, passengers carrying yellow-crested cockatoos tried to get past the supervision of quarantine officials on duty.

"We know that the KM Labobar ship carried hundreds of passengers and cargo that disembarked at the seaport of Yos Sudarso, among the hundreds of passengers who got off, it turned out that there were passengers carrying yellow-crested cockatoos," he said.

But swiftly, quarantine officials checked the documents and stated that the three birds had to be detained because they did not have a health certificate and other supporting documents.

"We have detained these three yellow-crested cockatoos because they are not accompanied by a certificate of health, laboratory results, and a letter from local conservation that we will then submit to the Maluku BKSDA," said Sepriwan.

Yellow-crested cockatoos are protected species based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.20/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/6/2018 concerning Protected Types of Plants and Animals.

His party intensively protects protected animals from smuggling is one of the tasks carried by Quarantine based on Law Number 21 of 2019.

He said, the Maluku Quarantine Center continues to synergize with BKSDA so that it can more optimally prevent illegal spending and income of wild plants and animals.

"After being secured, Kemi coordinated with the Maluku BKSDA, for submission and making minutes," he said.