Prabowo-Gibran Start Campaign In Jabodetabek

JAKARTA - Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka plans to start his first day of campaign in Jabodetabek. Prabowo also did not leave his duties as defense minister, as well as Gibran continued to do the task of the mayor of Solo.

"We kick off around Jabodetabek," said Prabowo after attending the signing at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Monday, November 27.

However, Prabowo did not specify the destination area for his first campaign. He only said that he had shared his duties with Gibran.

"We start to share tasks, young people move everywhere," he said.

The Election Campaign has been set by the General Elections Commission (KPU), starting from November 28, 2023 to February 10, 2024. The KPU has also set a campaign schedule for the presidential election in the event of a second round, namely on June 2-12, 2024.

The following is the schedule for the 2024 General Election campaign

1. 28 November 2023-10 February 2024

Campaign schedules in the form of limited, face-to-face meetings, the distribution of campaign props to the public. There will also be debate between presidential and vice presidential candidates, and social media campaigns.

2. January 21, 2024-10 February 2024

The schedule is in the form of a general meeting campaign as well as advertisements through print, electronic, and online mass media.

3. February 11, 2024-13 February 2024

Calm times. Any campaign-shaped activity is prohibited.

4. June 2, 2024- June 22, 2024

An additional campaign period in the event of a second round of presidential elections.

5. 23 June 2024-25 June 2024

The second period of calm. The rules are the same, prohibited from campaigning in any form.