Gus Yahya Instructs NU Residents To Reduce Tensions In Bitung

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Yahya Cholil Staquf, instructed NU residents to actively reduce tensions in Bitung City, North Sulawesi and not make the atmosphere even more murky.

"We are trying to build communication and dialogue between all parties, so that the incident that occurred yesterday does not continue," said Gus Yahya in his statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

Previously, one of the protesters defending Palestine was involved in a clash with a social organization (ormas) in Bitung City. The government and local authorities then strengthened security.

He said the Israeli-Palestinian issue was emotional for people in Indonesia. In fact, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is often linked to religious sentiments.

"But this problem must not be used as an excuse for conflict between religious groups anywhere in the world. Even more so in Indonesia, among our beloved Indonesian compatriots," he said.

According to him, the Indonesian nation has been trusted and respected by the world as a nation that truly has a culture of tolerance and has the ability to build a peaceful life between differences.

In fact, the ideal of building a peaceful and just world society is the ideal of the independence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia itself.

"So we must continue to strengthen our determination to maintain harmony among fellow countrymen, maintain peace and tolerance among fellow countrymen, because this is the most basic goal of the proclamation of independence itself," he said.

Regarding the problems that occur between Israel and Palestine, he said, Indonesia has a vision to fight for a real solution and not just get involved in taking sides.

"The government of the Republic of Indonesia itself has shown seriousness in these efforts," he said.

He explained that on Monday (27/11), PBNU also hosted a meeting between religious authorities from all over the world to discuss the issue of conflicts and violence that occurred, including between Israel and Palestine.

The meeting was to reach an agreement on a common attitude, cooperation to develop real and effective steps, in order to encourage a dynamic towards a solution.

"I ask my brothers, especially in Minahasa, my fellow countrymen, let us unite our determination to fight together to resolve this humanitarian problem," he said.