His Electability Drops In A Number Of Surveys, Ganjar: How Come The Internal Survey Is Not The Same Info

JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo, spoke about his electability in a number of survey institutions. He said he reads but also compares with the data he has.

"I have a lot of surveys that I have read and I have an internal survey, how come the information is not the same," Ganjar told reporters, Friday, November 24.

"This means that the information (in the survey, ed) is not true," he continued.

A similar statement was also made by the Chairman of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Arsjad Rasjid. He said he did not bother even though a number of survey institutions said that the pair number three was overtaken by the pair Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or AMIN because the internal survey was different.

"First, I want to explain that the numbers in the survey with our interbal numbers are actually a bit different," Arsjad said at a press conference at the High End Building, Kebon Sirih, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 22.

Even so, Arsjad said his team would not be happy. He said the strategy they used would also see the results of the outside survey.

"Although internally we see it differently. But, from there that is part of which we will use it as our strategy," he said.

"It's okay to talk about the worst scenario, which is the best thing we have to do. So that's what we have prepared for our strategy, for our victory even though I said earlier that actually in our internal numbers it is different," continued the chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). that.

A number of survey institutions have revealed that the electability of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair has declined. One of them, LSI Denny JA, who revealed that the pair was overtaken by AMIN, who received number one in the 2024 presidential election.

LSI Denny JA recorded the period November 2023 electability of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka 40.3 percent; Ganjar-Mahfud 28.6 percent; and the AMIN pair 20.3 percent. This survey was conducted on 6-13 November 2023 against 1,200 respondents using the multistage random sampling method and a margin of error of approximately 2.9 percent.

In addition, Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) also revealed the same thing. It was stated that the pair most chosen by respondents were Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka with 36.2 percent; Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin 34.1 percent; and Ganjar-Mahfud 27.1 percent.

Meanwhile, if they are not paired, Prabowo gets the highest electability of 37.5 percent. While in the next position occupied by Anies is 32.7 percent and Ganjar is at the lowest, namely 28.3 percent.

The IPO took samples from 1,400 respondents using the multistage random sampling method and a margin of error of approximately 2.50 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent. This survey was submitted to the public on Monday, November 20.