KPK OTT In East Kalimantan Allegedly Related To Bribery In Procurement Of Goods And Services
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron confirmed that there was a hand arrest operation (OTT) in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) on Thursday, November 23. There was money found and it is suspected that bribery occurred related to the procurement of goods and services.
"The KPK team secured a number of money, other evidence and several parties suspected of being perpetrators and witnesses of corruption in the procurement of goods and services," Ghufron told reporters in a written statement, Friday, November 24.
As for this arrest, Ghufron said 11 people were caught. There are seven givers and four recipients.
"But it can still increase," he said.
Currently those caught are still carrying out intensive examinations. Ghufron said the anti-corruption commission had 1x24 hours to determine the status of those caught.
"We will convey the details of the allegations and the arrest process after we obtained sufficient information in the first 1x24 hour examination process," he said.
"This arrest activity was carried out in the midst of the hustle and bustle of events that occurred at the KPK, this shows that KPK personnel are still working and the KPK is still at the forefront of eradicating corruption as usual and is not disturbed by the hustle and bustle that occurred at the KPK," concluded Ghufron.