Often Thought Of As Gulma, These 7 Wild Grass Apparently Have Great Benefits For Plant Owners
JAKARTA - Although many people like to pull out weeds in order to keep the park safe and clean, apparently not many know that weeds can also be useful.
This wild grass or weeds is the pioneer of the success of ecology in plants and the following are some useful weeds in the garden that you must plant and maintain as reported by Balcony Garden Web, Thursday, November 23.
This succulent plant is known to grow quite high for weeds, often reaching a height of 30-40 centimeters. The leaves are known to contain a variety of nutrients, antioxidants, and even vitamins.
This small plant attracts attention because of its appearance and also has many uses. Tunas plants that are soft to eat and suitable for salad vegetables. Chickweed is also used as traditional medicine for various conditions, including asthma, blood disorders, conjunctivity, and obesity. Chickwed also helps attract pollinated animals in the park.
Not only does it have attractive periwinkle blue flowers, this plant also has various uses in the culinary and treatment world. The infusion of the roots has a taste like coffee without caffeine content. This plant also functions as a nutritious feed plant for livestock.
Known to be scattered in Europe and Asia, this leafy weeds is praised as the best healing plant. The extract is very effective against constipation, fever, bile biological disease, and swelling of lymph nodes. The roots are also used in homeopathy treatment.
Plantung is a weeds with long leaves that widens in the middle and thins at the end. This wild grass has the same name as the Pisang type from the Caribbean. Plantative extract is very helpful in treating burns, stings, and open wounds.
This Gulma cannot be consumed by humans, but can be used in other fields. The field pennycress plant functions to unite the soil strongly, prevent erosion, mineral washing, or even attack other weeds on plants.
If you find a mugwort on the page, then you will find it difficult to remove it, because this plant has a complicated rhizop arrangement. It turns out that this is a hidden blessing because the mugwort is environmentally friendly and able to maintain the integrity of the surrounding soil structure. The extract can also be used to help overcome digestive problems.