106 Houses In Southeast Aceh Damaged By Flash Floods

BANDA ACEH - Southeast Aceh Communication and Information Agency (Diskominfo), Aceh said as many as 106 houses were damaged due to flash floods that hit the local district, ranging from minor damage to severe damage.

"The total number of houses affected was 106 units, 16 were heavily damaged, 90 were lightly damaged, so it was quite severe," said Head of Southeast Aceh Diskominfo Zul Fahmy, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 15.

Flash floods in Southeast Aceh occurred on Monday (13/11) at around 20.00 WIB which was triggered by high intensity rainfall, resulting in a lot of infrastructure damage, both government, public and private.

The latest data, said Zul Fahmy, was that flash floods as well as overflowing floods of a number of rivers in the area had an impact on 63 villages spread across 15 sub-districts in Southeast Aceh. The affected residents were 4,804 people or 1,200 families (KK).

"The worst was flash floods in three villages in Sumadam District, namely Pasar Tuntung Village, Titi Pasir Village and Kampung Baru Village," he said.

According to him, there were five heads of families whose houses were badly damaged by flash floods in Sumadam. They took refuge in the homes of their respective relatives who were not far from the scene.

Only five families were directly affected, whose houses were dragged by flash floods. So, they are not willing to live in refugee tents, because their relatives' houses are in the vicinity, not far away, they can walk," he said.

The current condition, continued Zul Fahmy, the weather conditions in Southeast Aceh are still cloudy. Floods that inundated residential areas in Southeast Aceh have gradually receded.

The Southeast Aceh Regency Government together with cross-sectors also continues to clean residents' houses, mosques, prayer rooms, schools, and other public facilities from piles of mud and wood material carried by the flash flood currents.

"The district government has deployed two heavy equipment to continue to clean the rocks, wood materials carried by floods from the mountains, including those that have covered the body of the Southeast Aceh - Medan national road," he said.

The district government continues to provide various assistance to meet the needs of the affected communities.

"We convey that material losses, both advice from the government, the public, and the private sector in this incident, are estimated at Rp20.3 billion," he said.