The Pilot's Lover Is Suspected Of Having An Affair, Dewi Perssik Irit Talks

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from the dancer Dewi Perssik with her pilot lover, Rully. The reason is that Rully was caught hugging a woman.

This was first conveyed by a close friend of Dewi Perssik, Indah Sari, who had uploaded a photo of the incident on her Instagram story. Unfortunately when checked again, the photo was gone.

But on one occasion, Indah explained the chronology of the incident of Rully who was suspected of having an affair right in front of her eyes.

"I was really surprised to see (Rully) with a woman, met directly in front of my face, she was hugging," said Indah Sari, quoted by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Wednesday, November 15.

"He was hugging in front of my eyes and then he ran away, I wanted to talk carefully earlier. Again with a hug, look at me, the man left," he continued.

Seeing this, Dewi Perssik said that she did not want to talk much about this. Because according to Dewi it is a family problem.

"Well, I can't say anything, because it's a family problem, so I can't say anything first, because I'm not dating, but the point is that I'm back with my family, I can't say anything," said Dewi Perssik in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15.

Furthermore, Dewi also said that she did not know what the status of her pilot lover was with a woman who was hugged by Rully according to the story described by Indah Sari.

"I don't know what yet, I'll tell you later," said Dewi Perssik.