Treating Cats Withworms, Recognize The Ways And Doses

YOGYAKARTA For those of you who raise a cat at home, it is important to pay attention to your health. The reason is, cats can be infected with roundworms or ribbonworms. Giving worm medicine to cats is as important as giving worm medicine to dogs. These two anabuls can both be infected with worms.

Bandworms pose a danger to cats. These short and round-sized worms produce microscopic eggs that are ejected through infected cat droppings. Cats infected with roundworms are very common especially in young cats. The most common roundworm species are Toxocara catian and Toxascaris leonina. Launching VetEnt, Wednesday, November 15, cation Toxocara can be transmitted to a cat cub through its mother's milk even though its mother itself has recovered from the infection. That is, almost all cats have been infected with roundworms from very young age and all require worm treatment for its cat.

For ribbonworms, the shape is similar to that of a roundworm. The shape is long, flat, and consists of many segments. They release the segments or adult sections into the glass. Sometimes it can be seen around the hair, anus, or cat droppings that are infected.

Bandworms in cats most often infect those are Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaformis. Dynylidium caninum eggs canine are eaten by tick larvae. That is, infection of mealy and ribbonworms almost always goes hand in hand. So, if your cat requires the treatment of ticks, it also requires the treatment of worms. Because Taenia taeniaformis bandworm eggs are eaten byAUtic animals, cats only catch the eggs while hunting. Therefore, this worm infection is rarer but can occur in any cat that is actively hunting.

Although very rare, humans can be infected with caty Toxocara and Dypylidium caninum. Infected with bandworms the species Dypidium caninum, means that a person has eaten infected ticks but this possibility is very small. It is important to understand, swallowing eggs that cause a much higher migration of worm larvae in dog bandworms. These two beloved animals are important to be given regular worm medicine.

How often and how do you treat cats? In order to effectively treat worms in cats, you must seek the help of a local veterinarian. Because cats can be infected with roundworms from a young age, the administration of worm medicine must start early and be repeated regularly.

Cara memberi obat deworm pada kucing, diberikan selama 2 mingga 3 bulan untuk setiap 0,5 tablet obat deworm setiap 2 minggu sekali. Anak kucing 3 bulan 6 bulan, perlu diberi obat deworm sekali sebulan. Sedangkan kucing dewasa lebih dari 6 bulan, harus diberi obat deworm 1 tablet setiap 3 bulan.

One of the tablet deworming drugs that can be given to cats is the Allwoemer Drontal. This drug can be used for adult cats and young cats. In one tablet, it can be given to cats weighing 2-4 kilograms. There are also types that are drunk in cats weighing 6 kilograms in one tablet.

It is important to note that the appropriate frequency of worm treatment on cats depends on the possibility of bandworm exposure. For example, whether your home cat has ticks or whether they are actively hunting. The more actively hunting, it must be routinely given every 3 months to an adult cat. If the cat starts to grumble, it is also necessary to treat the meal in order to stop the worm infection.

Vigilance is very important, then treating worms in cats must follow the recommended dose. If a cat is given a higher dose than the one diagnosed, it can kill it. Because cats can catch ribbonworms by swallowing infected ticks, tick control at home is also very important.