Defending Palestine, Inara Rusli Boycotts Israeli Supporting Products

JAKARTA - The Palestinian-Israeli War has inspired the hearts of many people around the world, including Indonesia. Several groups and individuals participated in the boycott movement of products that allegedly supported Israel.

One of the celebrities who participated in boycotting Israeli products was Inara Rusli. He did this as a form of solidarity and empathy that he supports the Palestinian people.

"Yes, because this shows that we have solidarity, we have the status that we stand with Palestinians," said Inara Rusli in the Kedoya area, West Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15.

"I agree because we are indeed ordered by Allah to at least if we cannot fight people who fight our religion in our hope, or the weakest with our hearts," continued Inara Rusli.

The ex-wife of singer Virgoun is slowly starting to stop using products that are suspected of supporting Israel. He said this was starting to do in his daily life.

"Yes, of course I am some products including the pro-Israel. It's just that how can we buy the time we throw it away? It's a waste. If you have bought it, then it's done, don't buy it again," said Inara.