Minister Of Manpower: Open Unemployment Rate In Indonesia Continues To Decrease

JAKARTA - Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah said economic and labor conditions continue to lead to improvements. Where the open unemployment rate is 5.32 percent.

According to Ida, this figure decreased by 0.54 percent compared to last year and was getting closer to the number before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on BPS data as of August 2023, continued Ida, there are 147.7 million workforces in Indonesia with a working population of 139.8 million people.

"This achievement should be grateful by continuing to work hard because the number of unemployed in terms of quantity is still quite large, which is 7.86 million people," said Ida in an official connection, Saturday, November 11.

Ida also said that the world of employment continues to experience changing and transformation trends. One of them is jobs that are increasingly concentrated in urban areas.

"This is an interesting trend and reflects drastic changes in the employment structure," he explained.

Ida said, other labor transformations, namely employment in secondary and tertiary businesses, tended to increase. This shows indications that the Indonesian economy is moving towards more advanced and innovative sectors.

In addition, he said, the education level of the workforce has changed significantly. This can be seen how the shift from low education to secondary and higher education can be seen.

"The employment information is that in terms of regionality, structure, and labor force education, there are big implications for all of us," he said.

According to Ida, shifting labor force education from low to medium to high levels is a positive thing. According to him, this shows that Indonesia has a more skilled workforce and is ready to compete in the global market.

"But we need to ensure that the education provided is in accordance with industry needs and sustainable throughout the career," he said.