Munarman Allegedly Attending Terrorist Pledge Event, DPR Commission III Members Questioned Police's Attitude

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representative (DPR), Habiburokhman, questioned why the police had not arrested the former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Munarman. Moreover, the video of Munarman attending the initiation of the Makassar terrorist suspect group has been widely circulated.

According to Habiburokhman, the police should have immediately taken action against Munarman if he was really involved in the ISIS group's pledge. He also asked the police not to distribute the video of the suspected terrorist statement just to ensnare Munarman.

"Usually (there is evidence of coming to the pledge event) and it should be (processed) fast. So an opinion is not built, it is not made public first, if there is evidence," he said, in a virtual discussion, Sunday, February 14.

The deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party also asked the police to investigate Munarman's involvement in the ISIS group's pledge. Including, statements by suspected terrorists regarding Munarman's presence.

"So we just leave this to the legal process as it is, we can't make narratives, we can't also speculate in this case," he said.

Previously, Munarman's involvement in the ISIS movement first came out of the mouth of suspected terrorist Ahmad Aulia (AA). Ahmad Aulia is a terrorist suspect who was arrested in Makassar.

Ahmad Aulia said that he took allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, during the FPI's declaration of support for Daulatul Islam in January 2015.

At the time of taking the pledge was attended by Munarman as the FPI Central committee, Ustaz Fauzan, and Ustaz Basri who led the Pledge. After the pledge, Ahmad Aulia admitted that he regularly participated in the taklim at the FPI Makassar headquarters.