Women From Lombok Suspected Monkeypox, Health Office Waits For Laboratory Results

PRAYA - The Health Service (Dinkes) of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, is still waiting for the results of laboratory tests on the alleged case of monkeypox that befell a woman in Labulia Village, Jonggat District. "We have sent a sample for laboratory testing in Surabaya. We are waiting for the results," said Head of the Central Lombok District Health Office, Suardi, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 10. Judging from the symptoms, Suardi's journey, it is indeed leading there, but it must be confirmed with laboratory test results. In addition, this victim has never been in contact with the monkey and the symptoms of this disease occurred suddenly. "So this is only an indication and we are still investigating where, where and who was hit and we hope that the public will continue to anticipate the spread of this monkeypox by certainly using PPD, "he said. Isolation is carried out while surveillance by surveillance is carried out. "The victim is still self-isolating and continues to get supervision from medical personnel," he said. His party also appealed to the public to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPEAPD) to anticipate this disease being transmitted to other communities. ) "So this is only an indication and we are still investigating epidemiology to find out when, where and who was hit and we hope that the public will continue to anticipate the spread of this monkeypox by using PPE," he said. He emphasized that the monkeypox virus is included in the Orthopoxvirus genus in the Poxviride family. Genus Orthopoxvirus also includes the variola virus and until now there is no one who has been confirmed positive for this disease. For 22 years old women are still only suspects and officers have also done treatment. We also must carry out a search from where they are infected if later true monkeypox," he said.

Suardi also hopes that no case of monkeypox will happen to residents. However, his party also continues to urge residents to remain vigilant in overcoming the problem of this disease. "We are waiting for the results of laboratory tests for further treatment steps," said Suardi.