Oil Lifting Is Getting Looser, Ganjar Promises To Speed Up EBT
JAKARTA - President Ganjar Pranowo's candidate said that the declining oil lifting target needed to be addressed by preparing a new strategy in the energy sector.
In fact, he said, the government is targeting oil production of up to 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) by 2030.
With production achievements that continue to decline, Ganjar said it needs to be addressed with an alternative New Renewable Energy (EBT) that is more likely to be done.
"Yes, it was not achieved (oil liffing). So it is also good if we plan something that can be achieved by mitigating everything we do," said Ganjar to the media, Wednesday, November 8.
With the Paris Agreement made in 2015 and the Kyoto Protocol, he said, many countries in the world are starting to boost the use of cleaner green energy.
"In the world, I think the Kyoto Protocol or Paris Agreement encourages green energy, so like it or not, it must be done," continued Ganjar, who is the former Governor of Central Java.
Ganjar added, it doesn't matter if Indonesia still wants to continue to increase domestic oil production, but in fact in the field it is still far from the target.
"We want to increase that, but the fact is we haven't got there yet, then the second must be a parallel road, the roadmap that has been prepared has been quite good. Just do it, it's just a matter of how to accelerate and prepare more sophisticated technology," concluded Ganjar.
Just so you know, until November 1, 2023, the realization of Indonesia's oil production has only reached 586,725 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).
Padahal pemerintah menargetkan produksi di tahun 2023 sebesar 622.662 BOPD.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif said this decline was due to many Indonesian oil wells entering old age, so they tended to experience a decline in production.
"Indeed, our wells are having a hard time getting old, tend to decline. Oil is getting deeper and the mixture with water is increasing," Arifin told the media at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday, November 3.
Arifin said, if at first it was pumped 10 liters, it consisted of 1 liter of water and 9 liters of oil, while when 5 liters of 10 liters were pumped it was water.