Launching The Business Saku Feature, Bank Raya Wants To Make MSME Transactions Easier

JAKARTA - Bank Raya Indonesia Tbk (AGRO) continues to provide convenience for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in running their businesses.

One of them is by launching Business Pockets as a form of feature innovation in digital saving.

Bank Raya President Director Ida Bagus Ketut Subagia said that with this new feature, business actors can manage finances more effectively and efficiently digitally.

Later, business actors can carry out business operational transactions in one Bank Raya application along with their personal accounts.

"We see opportunities from business actors who are oriented towards business growth and already have digital literacy. Business Pockets can become partners to grow for business actors because business operational transactions can be carried out in an integrated manner in the Bank Raya application together with their proposal accounts," said Bagus at a press conference on the Inauguration of the New Logo and the Bank Raya Business Saku Feature at the BRILiaN Tower, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 8.

Bagus said, Saku Bisnis targets business actors who are starting their business to manage finances better. Thus, the development of features will be carried out in stages in several phases.

At this initial stage, Saku Bisnis is equipped with a business pocket manufacturing menu and a mass transfer menu that allows customers to make transfers at once to ten (10) destination accounts in real time.

This menu also offers a number of conveniences for customers, namely business actors can make payroll transactions or payments to suppliers, separate business budgets by making up to five different business pockets, as well as checking account transfers so that they can monitor their business financial operations properly.

"With digital bank services that provide easy-to-use financial records and business operational transactions, more and more go-digital business actors will optimize technology to facilitate their daily business operations," he said.

On the same occasion, Bank Raya Director of Digital and Operations Bhimo Wikan Hantoro said, there will be additional features as a complement to the needs of customers.

"This business pocket will be a key feature now. There will be additional features in the future. For example, when many transactions have started, more facilities will also be provided," he explained.

Even so, Bhimo was reluctant to reveal in more detail plans for the future additional features. He considered that his party would continue to develop innovations in digital saving, digital lending, and other financial services so that the features would be more complete.

"Maybe we will do this in stages in the next 2-3 years to meet the target," he added.