Yure Andini Unjuk Kebiasaan Singan Keroncong Di Boleh Gig

Yure Andini became one of the performers in the May Gig event which was held at Bostha Café, Cipete, South Jakarta on Monday, November 6 yesterday.

The newcomer singer from Pekanbaru appeared to bring three repertoires, one of which is Lagi Sayang Unfortunately. The song is the first single released last October 5th.

Yure's presence in Boleh Gig is a differentiator. Not only as the only female soloist who appears, he is also allowed to sing partbang keroncong.

The keroncong is music that is close to Yure. Since childhood, he tried to learn how to sing keroncong songs from his parents who liked the music genre which is often referred to as early Indonesian pop music'.

Besides Yure Andini, May Gig also presents performances from Qudrah, JeJa, and Good Morning Everyone (GME).

Qudrah's appearance was accompanied by a guitarist who also controlled music sequencers. The soloist from Medan performed three songs that he composed, namely Lay With Me, Something New, and You.

Then, the duo of Jemsi and Jazmine, JeJa also appeared no less stunning than Qudrah. They managed to make the audience present to sing and sway together.

Meanwhile, GME appeared as the closing of May Gig. The band fronted by Ichsan alias Sani (vocals), Daniel (guitar), Yuli (guitar), Dhani (bass), and Erwin (keyboard) appeared minimalist with an acoustic concept.

After performing to perform three songs, viewers who were not satisfied asked GME to perform an additional song. The request was welcomed, GME closed the title May Gig with the song Not So beautiful.