Claiming To Be Called By Hasto, Bobby Nasution Visited The PDIP DPP Office After Supporting Prabowo-Gibran
JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan who is also the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Bobby Nasution visited the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Office in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 6. He admitted that he was asked to attend by PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto.
"The Secretary General was summoned," Bobby told reporters upon arrival at the PDIP DPP Office.
Bobby also did not know what to discuss at the meeting. "Later I will tell you (who to meet, ed)," he said.
As previously reported, Bobby Nasution will support the Prabowo-Gibran pair.
This statement was made after he was reluctant to comment when asked about the direction of support in the 2024 presidential election. But later, Bobby replied that he would provide support.
"Definitely!" Bobby said briefly when asked by the media about his direction of support for Prabowo-Gibran, at the Medan Mayor's office, North Sumatra, Wednesday, October 25.
Bobby then said that his brother-in-law was suitable and worthy to be a vice presidential candidate. "I think he is very good at taking a moment, in taking lessons, and this can be a lesson," he said.
Before long, he joined the volunteers of the Bobby Nasution Collaboration House to support Prabowo-Gibran. In fact, he is a party cadre bearing the bull symbol that carries the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair.
"If we have ordered volunteers to go there (Prabowo-Gibran, red) yes, like it or not, we want to go there," said Bobby in a written statement received in Medan, North Sumatra, Sunday, November 5.