Marcus Gideon Wrinkled With Weight Ahead Of The Debut With Rayhan

JAKARTA Marcus Fernaldi Gideon admitted that he was struggling with weight before making his debut with his new partner Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah.

Marcus/Rayhan are currently included in their planned debut at Syed Modi International India on November 28 - December 3, 2023, and the 2023 Odisha Masters from December 12 to 17.

Marcus said that at this time he was still trying to lose weight after a long absence from playing. He hopes his condition is ideal when he makes his debut later.

"Preparations are quite good. I have only been practicing for two or three weeks. Then yesterday I started training because almost five months I didn't practice so I really felt it," he said when met at the PBSI National Training Center, Friday, November 3, 2023.

"More and more, weight rose a lot, but now it's quite a half down. Now it can balance after being stuck because they [other players] continue to practice. However, what is clear now is that it is better," he added.

When monitored at Pelatnas, Marcus Gideon's weight did not seem so proportional. This condition makes it a bit difficult for him to move, especially when trying to reach far balls.

The badminton player, who was previously paired with Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, continued that at this time he did not feel he was in the best performance even though his weight had improved slightly.

"There must be a nutrition doctor. We are consulting. Now it's quite down, but it hasn't reached peak performance like it used to be. These are three weeks of training. So, hopefully it will get there [ideal]," said Marcus.

"We have a diet. We also add training. Cleaner food is also maintained. Usually, it goes down. If I go down often, it's easy. It depends on the intention," he added.

Marcus Gideon last played with Kevin at the Singapore Open 2023. At that time, the couple's journey arrived in the second half after losing to the Japanese representative, Takuro Hoki/Yugo Kobayashi.