For Patients With Tiroid Disorders, Both Consume These 6 Foods

YOGYAKARTA thyroid glands affect almost all metabolic processes in the body through the resulting hormones. thyroid glands are part of the endocrine system and when producing too many or too few important hormones, they are called thyroid disorders.

thyroid disease and disorders can range from small gongok disease which is not dangerous and does not always require treatment. Most generally, thyroid disorders involve production of abnormal thyroid hormones. When too much production of thyroid hormo, it is called hyperthyroidism while production is called hypothyroidism too little. Launching the British Tyroid Foundation here are vitamins in the food or supplements recommended for consumption.

Some foods are rich in calcium. Some foods and calcium-rich supplements can interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine. You can take supplements but you have to go four hours in a row so it doesn't have a significant impact on blood leroksin levels.

Vitamin D helps regulate the production of calcium and forfat needed for the health of bones, teeth, and muscles. Several studies show that people with low levels of vitamin D, may suffer from thyroid disorders. However, experts do not find a clear connection, but show facts from reports from people with thyroid disorders. You can get vitamin D by sunbathing in the morning. If you don't get enough sun, you can take vitamin D supplements.

In addition to food from seaweed, you can consume yogurt to get enough iodine intake. Launching EverydayHealth, Friday, November 3, both regular yogurt, low fat, or Greek yogurt can meet 50 percent of the daily iodine intake. Fish is also a good source of iodine.

Brazilian nuts contain nutrients that help regulate thyroid hormones, namely selenium. Selenium can help prevent long-term thyroid damage in people with thyroid problems, such as Hashimoto and Graves disease. But it's important to know the right portion of Brazilian beans consumption. Of course, as many as 68-92 selenium micrograms contain. While per day the maximum limit for selenium is 400 micrograms. That is, although good, don't overdo it because too much selenium in the body can cause hair to fall out, nails change color, heart failure, and air odor.

Seng is an important nutrient for thyroids to produce thyroid hormones. Too little zinc in the body can cause hypothyroidism, according to a 2013 study published in the International Journal of Trichology.

Meat is a good source of zinc. In 3 ounces of roast beef, it contains 7 milligrams of zinc. Meanwhile, chickens with the same weight contain 2.4 milligrams.

Best diet for your thyroid, more than getting enough selenium, iodine, and vitamin D. But also good at getting foods rich in antioxidants. Fruits rich in antioxidants, are black raspberry and other kinds of berries.

That's a good food for people with thyroid disorders. Before eating certain foods or supplements, it's best to consult your personal doctor or a dietist who monitors your health.