Motor Vehicle Tax Realization In Jakarta End Of October 79.83 Percent

JAKARTA - The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of DKI Jakarta Province noted that the realization of motor vehicle tax (PKB) in Jakarta was IDR 7.6 trillion as of October 29, 2023.

"The value of this realization is 79.83 percent of the 2023 APBD target of Rp 9.6 trillion," said Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Revenue Agency, Elvarinsa in a statement, Thursday, November 2.

In order to achieve the realization of 100 percent of PKB's revenue, Elvarinsa advised the public to take advantage of regional tax incentives in the form of eliminating administrative sanctions for the payment of the vehicle's annual tax. This incentive is valid from October 10 to December 30, 2023.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government also provides incentives in the form of imposition of 0 percent of the transfer fee for motorized vehicles (BBNKB) for the second delivery or used vehicles.

The free transfer of the name of the used vehicle was carried out by the DKI Provincial Government in an effort to curb motor vehicle ownership data and encourage taxpayers to register the second motor vehicle ownership handover and so on.

"With this incentive, the DKI Jakarta Government is trying to encourage the public to carry out their vehicle administration on time," he said.

Elvarinsa explained that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is working with the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya and Jasa Raharja in carrying out activities to control the ratification of motorized vehicles.

He invited all people of DKI Jakarta to support this program so that the administration of the annual STNK ratification, tax on motorized vehicles and the orderly administration of motorized vehicles can run better.

"With high administrative compliance, we will ensure that the quality of motor vehicle services and security in DKI Jakarta is maintained and as a joint effort to advance better Jakarta," he added.