Ministry Of Industry Focuses On Tightening Imported Products, Prohibition Rules Applicable Soon?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) believes that tightening imported products can protect domestic industries, so that they can support industrial productivity and competitiveness.

Acting Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika said the government had completed reshuffles of import tightening and trading regulations in the last two weeks.

"Currently, our focus is on tightening the flow of imported goods to support the development of the domestic market," Putu said in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, November 2.

Putu assessed that tightening imported products can encourage increased use of domestic products that also have superior quality.

Moreover, the government continues to strive to increase the absorption of domestic products through the Domestic Product Improvement Program (P3DN), both through government spending using the APBN and APBD as well as at the individual level.

It is known, the step to tighten the flow of import goods was carried out through the revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 25 of 2022 concerning Import Policy and Regulation by changing the regulation of import trading from post-border to border for eight (8) commodities.

A total of 8 commodities are bags, electronics, traditional medicines and health supplements, cosmetics, textiles have become others, children's toys, footwear, and finished clothes.

As previously reported, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said that the rules regarding the supervision of border imports (pabean areas) as the implementation of prohibitions and restrictions (lartas) are still under discussion.

Menteri Teten menilai, perlu adanya ratas terbatas (ratas) sebanyak dua kali untuk menyelesaikan aturan tersebut.

"In my opinion, there needs to be two more flats, first for platform arrangements, and secondly, maybe later trade arrangements with online trading, including the results of the previous meeting regarding tightening imports," said Teten in response to VOI questions at the Kemenkop UKM Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 25.

Teten added that the regulation regarding the amount of imports is indeed entirely under the authority of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

So, according to him, it is the responsibility of the two ministries.

"Indeed, right, if there is no policy in my place, everything is in the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Trade," he said.