Because It Can Strengthen Parents-Children's Relationships, Here Are 5 Benefits Of Positive Communication Styles In Care
JAKARTA - As parents, always establishing communication with children is a must. But sometimes, the way of delivering messages by parents is not right and instead provides bad examples for children.
In communicating with children, the way of delivering positive is definitely well received by children and makes them a positive person too. Here are five positive communication benefits that are established between parents and children.
Basic logic, which one is preferred, people talk to you in harsh or critical tones or people talk to you in a calm, reasonable, and positive voice? Even if there is a difference of opinion or you need to correct something your child does, a soft, though firm voice, will most likely attract more attention to your child. And he will more likely to listen to what you say.
If you scream or talk aggressively to your child, it's unlikely that you will get good results, even this could damage your relationship. In fact, research shows that yelling is as dangerous as aggressive discipline. Of course, children may listen in the short term, but if you want your child to develop the skills he needs to organize his own behavior. Speaking positively is a better way.
The most sure way to get your child to speak well to you is to speak well to him. If you continue to criticize and say rude to him then most likely he will also do the same to you.
If you treat your child with respect and kindness, you will strengthen the bond between parents and children. Say "Thank you" and "Please" when you talk to your child and explain firmly that you expect him to do the same. Treat each other politely plus respect will bring you closer. Similar to harsh words and loud voice will have the opposite effect.
When you use a positive voice tone with your child at home, he will naturally do this at school and in other environments. Then the people around the child will comment on his sweet attitude and good speech. And he will be proud of this skill.