Extreme Weather In Bogor, 497 Houses Damaged By The Tornado

BOGOR - BPBD Bogor Regency through rapid assessments related to natural disasters due to extreme weather that occurred on Wednesday, October 31, 2023 resulted in a number of fallen trees and 497 houses damaged by hurricanes. The damaged buildings were spread across five sub-districts with details of Ciomas District 465 buildings, Dramaga 17 buildings, Sukaraja 7 buildings, Leuwisadeng 1 building, and Kemang 7 buildings. "Hundreds of houses in Bogor Regency were damaged by a tornado. We are still continuing to collect data," said Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Bogor Regency M Adam Hamdani Thursday 2 November., Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan asked all his staff of the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) to increase preparedness in dealing with extreme weather. Iwan Setiawan also appealed to the public to increase awareness of potential disasters. Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan stated that he had instructed BPBD and related elements to move quickly to carry out handling. "I have also instructed BPBD, DPKPP, DPKOS and other related agencies to coordinate data collection of material and non-material losses due to the disaster that occurred yesterday and distribute aid to affected residents, including preparing assistance for damaged houses," said Iwan Setiawan.

On this occasion, the Bogor Regent also asked the sub-district heads to actively monitor their areas, including disaster-prone locations and intensively carry out mitigation to minimize the impact if at any time a disaster occurs. "We all must continue to increase our awareness of extreme weather that hit the Bogor Regency area, such as heavy rain, strong winds and others. All must actively carry out mitigation and prevention," he explained.