Containing A Higher Potassium Than Bananas, Know 7 Benefits Of Avocado For Health

YOGYAKARTA Although it is only between 30-65 grams different, avocado contains more potassium than bananas. Potassium is the mineral and electrosic material the body needs to regulate blood pressure, send nutrients to cells, and support nerve health and muscle function. More complete, check explanations about the benefits of avocado for health below.

Lutein and zeaxanthin in avocado help absorb light waves that can endanger vision. The avocado is also referred to as an antioxidant source, which if you consume a lot of this fruit tends not to degenerate with age.

Having an ideal weight is one of the health factors. When you are running a weight loss program, avocado can be included in your daily menu. Alpukat, contains high fiber and almost sufficient 1 shot4 daily fiber needs when eating a cup of guacamole. Even though the avocado is high in fat, this type of saturated fat is healthy.

In a cup of avocado slices, you will get about 118 microgram folates, reported by WebMD, Wednesday, November 1. This number meets a third of daily needs of folate in adults every day. Folate is vitamin B, which if not getting enough intake, is prone to depression and does not respond well to antidepressant drugs. Folates also play a role in preventing birth defects so that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are advised to consume more.

If eating rice makes you sleepy, then avocado can be an alternative choice. The reason is, avocados rich in vitamin B, tiamin, riboflavin, and niasin. These vitamins help the body convert food into energy. Niasin in avocado can also help fight inflammation and protect arteries.

The body needs fat, but is recommended for unsaturated fat, one of which is found in avocado. Research shows that avocado helps reduce bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. In general, these three risk factors have an impact on heart health.

On average, eating half of avocado provides 15 percent daily vitamin K needs. This nutrition can help increase bone density and prevent fractures. You can mix avocado with other healthy ingredients. Such as processing it along with spinach salads with salmon, tuna, and eggs pelengkp to get K vitamins according to daily needs.

Due to low carbohydrates and sugar, high in healthy fat and fiber, avocado meets the requirements for consumption of diabetics. If you prevent diabetes, consuming plant-based diets including avocado, it can reduce the chance of developing type 2 diabetes by about 20 percent, according to research at Harvard.

The above is a benefit of avocado for health. You can process avocado into various dishes so you don't get bored. Such as for salads, juices, or eaten with additional tongs that enrich the taste of avocado.