Regarding Jimly Asshiddiqie's Multiple Position, DPD Leaders Leave It To BK
JAKARTA - There are complaints from the public regarding the alleged concurrent position carried out by DPD RI members from DKI Jakarta, Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie is one of the discussion material at the DPD RI Leadership Meeting, Monday, October 30.
Present at the meeting were the Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, Deputy Chairperson of the DPD RI Nono Sampono and Sultan Baktiar Najamudin.
As is known, Jimly Asshiddiqie is one of three names who has been appointed as Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK).
Related to this, Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI Sultan Baktiar Najamudin explained that the leadership of the DPD RI submitted the issue to the Honorary Board (BK) of the DPD RI to follow up.
"Indeed, there are reports from the public because Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie is considered concurrent. Currently he is still a member of the DPD RI, but accepts his duties as Chairman of the MKMK. The leadership of the DPD RI has delegated this to the Honorary Board (BK) so that it can be followed up and studied," said Sultan Baktiar Najamudin.
The Sultan explained that the DPD RI BK would look objectively at what laws and regulations were violated in the complaint. Is it the MD3 Law, as stated in Article 302 which states that members of the DPD RI are prohibited from holding concurrent positions as officials of other countries and judges in the judiciary. Or there are other rules, including Tatib and financial rights sourced from the APBN. That's the domain and the task of the BK to examine public complaints, not the realm of leadership," he said.
It is known that a resident of the community named Tommy Diansyah, SAG sent a letter to the leadership of the DPD RI. It contained a complaint against Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie, a member of the DPD RI representative of DKI Jakarta Province who was also appointed as Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court, so it was alleged that there was an element of concurrent position and duplication of salaries from the same source, the APBN, which was also prohibited.
Rapim DPD RI juga membahas tentang sikap dan dukungan anggota DPD RI terhadap capres dalam kontestasi Pilpres. Diungkapkan Sultan, sebagai tidak membawa nama lembaga, atau bersifat pribadi sebagai warga negara, disebut.
Hal ini juga akan menjadi materi kajian di BK DPD RI, tentang batas dengan mengacu pada perundangan dan tatib lembaga, imbuh Senator asal Bengkulu tersebut usai membahas soal laporan masyarakat tentang Jimly Asshiddiqie yang mendukap jabatan.