This Is What Needs To Be Done So That Pet Cats Stay Away From Ornamental Plants

JAKARTA - Cats often dig and defecate in plant pots. Sometimes cats also bite the stems and leaves of the plant so that it interferes with the health of the plants you care for.

If you want to keep pet cats away from plants that are kept in pots, there are several steps that can be taken. You can install barriers to keep cats away from plants, improve their behavior, or find alternative solutions.

Because cats do not have sweet flavor receptors, they usually avoid eating fruit, especially oranges. However, essential oils that taste sour like oranges, lemons, and limes can cause digestive irritation that causes vomiting or diarrhea. Therefore, reported by The Spruce, Monday, October 30, it is better to use lemon juice, lime, or oranges that are diluted with a little water and then sprayed into plant leaves.

In addition to sour-flavoured juice, the aroma of mint and vinegar also helps keep cats away from ornamental plants and vegetable plants. Cats don't like the smell of vinegar, so use this acid as a safe deterrent for cats.

Do not spray vinegar on plants because it can damage leaves and soil. However, use a mixture of vinegar and water to spray near plants. For example on pots or racks for storing ornamental plants. Disburse distilled white vinegar by a ratio of 1 to 4 (for example, one tablespoon of vinegar with four tablespoons of water) plus cooking liquid dish soap as a binding ingredient. Spray a little near your plant. Outside the room, this mixture can also be used as a natural weedswetter.

An easy way to keep cats away from your plants is to make sure they can't access ornamental plants. Here are some options:

Hanging plants

Use a hanging pot and place it in a high place. You can use a pot hanger from macrame and high shelves to save plants from cat scratch.

Create a conservatory

If you have space, define a plant room' where your cat is not allowed to enter.

Create a plant cupboard

Turn a cupboard with a glass door into your own small greenhouse or use a terarium. The plant will remain visible, but well protected.

If you don't want any additional scents at home and there's no place to relocate your plants. Try to distract the cat and disguise your plants in the way:

Wrap a pot with aluminum foil

Of course, this is not the most aesthetic look, but this could be one way to make cats not use ornamental plant pots as liter boxes. Cats don't like aluminum foils, for that you can cover the edges of plant pots with aluminum foils.

Cover the soil

One method that can be done so that cats stay away from plants is to cover large plant soil with pine, stone, or bamboo stems.

Provide cat grass

Try diverting your cat to plants that it can chew, such as catnip plants or cat grass. Sometimes cats just want to bite something, so when there's cat grass around them, they won't bite your ornamental plants. If catnip doesn't work, try giving some cat toys as an alternative that can make most cats relax.