BI Strengthens Information Transparency To Cross-generational Society

BADUNG - Bank Indonesia (BI) seeks to strengthen the transparency of information related to policies that will and have been made by the monetary authority to cross-generational communities.

Head of the Division of Mass Media Relations and Opinion Maker of the Communication Department of Bank Indonesia (BI) Syachman Perdymer in Badung, Bali, Sunday, said that to support transparency, changes in communication patterns are absolutely necessary.

"Our communication is that we are required to adapt to the cross-generation community, not only the 'baby boomer' but also to Generation Z," said Syachman in "Copacity Building for DIY 2023 Economic Journalists".

According to Syachman, transparency of information is needed to increase public understanding of BI policies which ultimately have an impact on the effectiveness of the policy.

In addition, transparency is also able to build public trust or recapitulation so as to maintain national economic stability.

Therefore, the delivery of information continues to be increased by not only targeting economic actors, determining the market, and the mass media alone, but it is necessary to penetrate all levels of the public.

In the midst of the increasing flow of information, continued Syachman, social media is also an important means for BI to reach the public more widely.

"Entering the digital era, the central bank is required to communicate with all of them, including the market, express, media, and the public," he said as quoted by Antara.

Synergy with the mass media, according to Syachman, is important to look for formulas so that various policy information that have been difficult for the wider community to understand becomes easier to convey.

"The challenge is gapping literacy, there are those who really understand, understand, and understand a little," he said.

Head of the Regional Economic and Financial Policy Implementation Team (KEKDA) of Bank Indonesia, DIY Rifat Pasha, added that to suppress the inequality of literacy and economic inclusion of the community, education, socialization, and communication continue to be intensified through various events.

"The literation of gaps is a difference in understanding, for example, regarding inflation, people think that a certain price increase can cause inflation, even though that's not all," he said.