Annoyed Compared To Fuji, Tissa Biani Makes These Words

Actor Tissa Biani through her Instagram account looks emotional with the behavior of the person who compared himself to Fuji, Fadly Faisal's younger brother.

In the Instagram Story upload, Tissa Biani shares a screenshot of the comments column on her TikTok account. It appears that there are people who compare their style of dress to their physique with Fuji.

"Tissa Biani looks like Fuji, her clothes, hair, small body shape, the same," wrote @sitimaharalaila, quoted by VOI from Tissa Biani's TikTok account, Saturday, October 28.

Seeing this, Tissa, who was annoyed, immediately commented on this and said it was very unethical and ethical.

"One of the club fans in Indonesia who has no morals and ethics. That's him," Tissa said on her Instagram account.

Dul Jaelani's lover is annoyed that the comment seems to have deliberately hurt other people while lauding his idol for being too much.

"It hurts people's hearts while lauding their idols as high as the sky," he said.