Being A Victim Of Violence, Afifah Riyad Was Even Reported Back To Regi Nazlah

Celebrity Afifah Riyad came to Polda Metro Jaya to report a case of abuse by her ex-husband's lover, Regi Nazlah.

It is known that Afifah recently uploaded photos showing her body full of wounds.

In an upload on his personal Instagram, Afifah explained, this incident began because of Regi Nazlah's jealousy towards her household with her husband, Derry Fransakti.

"Earlier, it was smooth, only confirmation regarding this case, for developments yesterday was informed," said Afifah Riyad at Polda Metro Jaya, Friday, October 27.

But unexpectedly, Regi Nazlah's party has also reported back Afifah Riyad.

Based on information from Afifah, Regi reported himself to the police because of a bite wound to the knee.

"I already knew he reported back about the bite on his knee," continued Afifah Riyad.

The Arab-African woman emphasized that the incident wrapped her knee into a self-defense.

Because at the time of the incident, Regi had the heart to kick Afifah's stomach which still had caesarean surgery scars.

"Because his position had been cornered, the reported kicked the knife in my stomach after caesarean, there I no longer want to do it, that's why I tried to hold the woman's right leg and I bit her in the knee," said Afifah.

Even so, the 21-year-old celebrity, admitted that she was ready if she had to be summoned by the police for questioning regarding the report submitted by Regi Nazlah.

"Very ready (to be summoned)," concluded Afifah.