Visual Sadistic Film Poster Torture Hell Has Different Goals

JAKARTA - Dee Company production house launched the first poster of the film Saksa Hell. The film, directed by Anggy Umbara, features something sadistic and terrible.

This was also approved by one of the players, Ratu Sofya, who thought the poster was terrible.

"I'm so happy that finally the poster for the film Siksa Hell came out, I can't wait for it to be broadcast on December 14," said Ratu Sofya to the media crew on Friday, October 27.

"The shooting was done with enthusiasm, hopefully the results can make congestion in the congregation," he continued.

The poster released shows a woman sticking out her tongue. He was surprised to see an iron rod that had a chain pointing at him.

Dheeraj Kalwani as the producer explained that this poster was made as a form of imagination from the film Siksa Hell. Although I don't know what the reality is, this poster was made to make the audience afraid to commit a sin.

"We want to give visuals that are close to being real, even though no one ever knows what hell is like," said Dheeraj.

"But the visuals we show are how to make people afraid to commit sin after seeing the hell out there," he explained.

Anggy Umbara as the director revealed that the CGI process in making this film was long compared to the previous work.

"Alhamdulillah, finally the poster can also come out, for the trailer, please be patient because the work on CGI Siksa Hell exceeds the films I've worked on before, it takes time, it takes more experts than other films because I want to give my best," said Anggy.

The film Sicsa Hell is planned to hit theaters on December 14, 2023.