8 Iranian Citizen Smugglers 319 Kg Of Methamphetamine Arrested In Merak Sentenced To Death
Eight foreign nationals (WNA) from Iran were sentenced to death in connection with a 319 kilogram methamphetamine smuggling case by a Serang District Court (PN) judge.
The chairman of the Panel of Judges, Uli Purnama, stated that the eight foreigners from Iran were proven to have violated Article 114 paragraph (2) Junto Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics in accordance with the primary indictment.
The eight foreigners tried to smuggle 319 kilograms of methamphetamine through the Indian Ocean waters to Java Island and were caught at Indah Kiat Port, Merak, Banten.
"The defendants were Abdul Rahman Zardkuhi, Ayub Wafa Salak, Abdol Aziz Barri, Usman Damani, Shahab Syahraky, Wali Mobrad Paro, Wahid Baluch Kari and Amir Naderi with the death penalty," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 27.
Amir Naderi, who was previously sentenced to life for his role in showing where the methamphetamine was hidden on the ship, was also sentenced to death by the judge.
With this verdict, the status of the defendants rose to death. One of the aggravating things is that the defendants infiltrated methamphetamine into Indonesia which was carried out professionally and was an international network for illicit trafficking of the type one type of methamphetamine.
Previously, the Public Prosecutor of the Cilegon Prosecutor's Office, Ronny Bona Tua Hutagalung, revealed that based on the death penalty for eight Iranian foreigners that had been read out, in this case the Cilegon Kejari expressed his thoughts on the decision because the defendant also expressed his thoughts.
"Think about the decision because the defendant also expressed his thoughts, indeed we have seven days to express our attitude towards the death sentence of 8 foreigners," he said at the Serang District Court Court Court Court.
According to Ronny, the decision was maximal because the aggravating thing was that the defendants were an international network of illicit narcotics class one type methamphetamine.
Previously, the National Narcotics Agency together with Customs and Excise thwarted efforts to circulate methamphetamine-type drugs that were smuggled using fishing boats to transport fish by sea in South Waters. The suspects are foreign nationals from Iran.
Head of BNN Komjen Petrus R. Golose revealed that the smuggling of narcotics includes international networks, transnational organized crimes (TOC) that are cross-border.
"The results of the evidence obtained now and are still under development as many as 309 packages of methamphetamine. A laboratory check will be carried out for qualitative analysis of the content of Metamphetamine compounds," said Petrus R. Golose after reviewing the crime scene for the arrest of methamphetamine at Indah Kiat Merak Port, Cilegon, Banten, Friday (24/2).