Neta Partners With PLN To Prepare Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities

PT Neta Auto Indonesia (NETA) is collaborating with PT PLN (Persero) in providing Home Charging services and public electric vehicle charging stations in the country.

This is also clear evidence of Neta's seriousness in Indonesia regarding the sustainable electric vehicle ecosystem.

This collaboration also emphasizes the commitment of both parties to realize the vision of building an environmentally friendly, efficient electric vehicle ecosystem, in line with the government's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

"Cooperation with PT PLN (Persero) is our real step to strengthen the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia, as well as strengthen our commitment to building sustainable mobility in Indonesia," said Jerry Huang, Network & Sales Director of PT Neta Auto, in an official statement received by VOI, Thursday, October 26.

He further said Neta believed that the existence of a strong and integrated battery charging infrastructure would encourage the use of electric vehicles more quickly.

"In addition, we also want to ensure easy accessibility for Neta consumers so that there is no need to worry about the availability of power while traveling," he said.

Not only providing advanced and innovative technology, but Neta is also committed to providing 24-hour Hotline Services services, 24-hour Roadside Assistance, On-site Services, as well as NETA Wall Box Installation services at consumer homes. And with battery charging infrastructure and the provision of Home Charging services supported by PLN, Neta V consumers will enjoy a comfortable driving experience, without the need to worry when battery power conditions are running low in the middle of travel.

NETA's commitment to NETA V consumers does not stop there, NETA also provides long-term guarantees by providing guarantees such as a general guarantee of 5 years or 150,000 km, an 8 year battery guarantee or 180,000 km, and free periodic maintenance of up to 4 years or 50,000 km.

All of these concrete steps are a form of NETA's dedication and commitment in providing environmentally friendly mobility solutions, and affirming its position as one of the main players of electric vehicles in Indonesia.