Road Classification Based On Its Function Based On Law, From City To Village Routes

YOGYAKARTA - The construction of roads in cities and villages is not just providing a traffic lane. It turns out that there are various types of roads that are made different in terms of size and function. So what are the road classifications based on their functions?

Of course you've been driving through various types of roads, both small roads and major roads. Generally, people are more familiar with the term highway or big road. In fact, there are classifications of roads based on their functions and types, as regulated in Law Number 38 of 2004.

The government stipulates in the Law that there are four types of roads that are distinguished based on their functions, namely arterial roads, local roads, collector roads, and environmental roads. Each type of road is designed for a specific purpose, as follows:

Arterial roads are public roads that can be passed for access to transportation vehicles. This type of road stretches long distances and can be crossed at high speed, and there are barriers. Arterial roads are divided into the following two classifications:

Local roads are public roads used for access to local transport vehicles. Local roads have characteristics, namely travel distances that are close to low speed and there are barriers to entrances. Local roads are divided into the following two classifications:

A collector's road is a road used for access to vehicles with a medium travel distance of >40 km/h. This road is usually traversed by a divisor or collector transport vehicle. The collector's road is divided into the following two classifications:

Environmental roads are public roads that are used for access to environmental transport vehicles. This road has characteristics, namely it is close to a low speed. This road is usually traversed by two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles. Environmental roads are divided into the following two classifications:

Such is the review of the classification of roads based on their functions that the community needs to know. In addition to the distribution of the types of roads above, the classification of roads is also divided based on government administration (national roads, provincial roads, district roads, etc.) and based on axion loading (way I, street II Street IIIA, etc.).

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