Dubai RoboCafe, Dining Sensation Served By Germany-Made Robot

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic has made people worried about interacting outside the home, including dining at restaurants or cafes. But at this cafe, visitors can reduce their worries.

Yes, this cafe is using digital services, with the service being a robot. As the name implies, Dubai RoboCafe, a cafe in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, relies on digital services supported by robots, not humans.

Here, you will order food and drinks online or by using the touch screen. Then, the food will be prepared and delivered to your table by a robot made in Germany. There is no human interaction.

"That's a good idea, especially for now. The number of diners for the restaurant is low, so I hope this idea will be popular. You order online and the robot works in front of you and delivers whatever you want in a few minutes," said a customer named Jamal Ali Hasan, as reported by Reuters.

Robocafe. (Instagram/

RoboCafe has been working for more than two years, but its launch was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. After restrictions in the United Arab Emirates were relaxed, it was only then that the cafe was opened.

RoboCafe was created with the support of the Dubai Government's artificial intelligence initiative. Humans are only summoned when there is a disturbance, or to clean the surface.

"Clients order from the touch screen here, then everything depends on artificial intelligence. The robot sorts orders by the table and puts them in small service bots, then the service bots send them to customers," said Executive Director Rashid Essa Lootah.

Robocafe. (Instagram/

The main service robot that makes food and drinks in this cafe is indeed made in Germany. However, autonomous bots for food and beverage delivery are locally made in the United Arab Emirates.

"I'm a bit of a tech nerd, so looking at a little robot, like a vacuum cleaner that delivers different food and supplies, it's like an assembly line in a car manufacturing plant," said a foreign customer named Vincent Marino.