United Arab Emirates Carve History Of The First Muslim Country To Reach Planet Mars

JAKARTA - The satellite made in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has finally arrived in Mars orbit. The spacecraft named Hope finally realized the dream of the Arab country to visit the red planet.

The probe reached Mars at 7.42 pm local time and sent the first signal to Earth half an hour later. This ride has been carried out since it was launched July 20 last year.

"204 days and more than 480 million kilometers, #HopeProbe has now arrived in Mars orbit," reads the official UAE Space Agency Twitter account, Wednesday, February 10.

The success of the UEA spacecraft arriving in Mars orbit is also a separate achievement in the competition between China and the United States (US) to get to the red planet. This is because 50 percent of the missions to Mars fail.

The United Arab Emirates spent nearly US $ 200 million (Rp2.79 trillion) to build the Hope spacecraft. This UAE-made spacecraft will carry out its mission to explore Mars for two years.

There are three missions that will be carried out by this spacecraft while orbiting the planet Mars. In addition to observing the atmosphere, weather and climate on Mars, this satellite will also explore the plains on the red planet.

These spacecraft will join the six spacecraft already operating around Mars, namely three from the US, two from Europe and one from India.

Success in reaching Mars will certainly make the UAE more excited and optimistic about exploring space. Earlier in 2019, they successfully launched the first Arab astronauts to reach the International Space Station (ISS).