Mahfud MD Leads The GTK Council Session To Discuss National Hero Candidates, There Inggit Garnasih To Buya Syafii Maarif

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD chaired the session of the Council for Titles, Services and Honors (GTK) to finalize the names proposed as national heroes in 2023.

Mahfud, who also serves as Chairman of the Council for Titles, Services, and Honors, emphasized that these proposals need to be finalized immediately and submitted to President Joko Widodo.

"We discussed the names proposed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and also by the local government for later we will submit them to the President," Mahfud said while chairing the trial as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 23.

He explained that the GTK Council at today's meeting listened officially to the names of the national heroes proposed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and local governments.

During the meeting, the Dewan of Titles, Services, and Honorary Signs also discussed as well as deepening the roles of each candidate and their contribution in developing Indonesia.

The GTK Council Session was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the GTK Council Admiral TNI (Ret.) Agus Suhartono, Member of the GTK Council consisting of the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko, Noer Hassan Wirajuda, Prof. Meutia Farida Hatta Swasono, historyist Anhar Gonggong, and Secretary of the GTK Council Rear Admiral TNI Hersan.

Then there is also a representative from the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely Plt. Director General of Social Empowerment Beni Sujanto and Head of the Central Level Research and Study Team (TP2GP) Mukhlis Paeni. Mukhlis explained in front of the chairman and members of the GTK Council the profile and contribution of the 2023 national heroes candidates to Indonesia.

From several proposed names, the West Java Provincial Government proposed the name Inggit Garnasih, Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, KH Soleh Iskandar and KH Ma'mun Nawawi.

Then, the West Sumatra Provincial Government proposed three names, namely Buya Syafii Maarif, Khatib Sulaiman, and Syekh Sulaiman Ar-Rasuli.

Later, the names of candidates from the regions will be compiled by the Ministry of Social Affairs and discussed by the Council of Titles, Services, and Honorary Signs. The results of the discussion are then submitted to the President for approval.

The President then announced the name of the figure who was designated as a national hero on Heroes' Day which is celebrated every November 10.