Hundreds Of Kiai And Habib Commemorate Santri Day Held Joint Shalawat In Surabaya

Commemorating Santri Day in 2023 and Prophet's birthday, Hundreds of kiai and habib along with state civil servants (ASN) are ready to attend the prayer together to commemorate which will be held at Surabaya City Hall on Friday 27 October.

"So, later on, the stage will be long, many kiai and habib are complex and muster together. Well, those who pray will also have Habib Muhsin Al Hamid from Tanggul, Jember," said Secretary of the Al-Muhajirin Mosque. Surabaya City Aziz Muslim in his statement in Surabaya, Saturday.

Not only attended by Habib Muhsin, the joint prayer was also attended by Habib Najib Al Haddad from Ampel, Surabaya City.

"We hope that the community can attend the Surabaya City Hall yard," he said.

Aziz said that the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, not only attended shalawat together on October 27, but also attended shalawat together at Ruko Mutiara Dupak with alumni of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Regional Management of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School Alumni Association, Saiful Bachri, said that the joint prayer titled "Surabaya Bershalawat" which will be held on October 28 at Ruko Mutiara Dupak, will be attended by Mayor Eri Cahyadi.

Not only that, he continued, the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School Alumni Association will also present a munsyid from Egypt, Mustofa Atef.

"In the Surabaya event, Bershalawat has several series of events. Before Mustofa Atef appears, there will be a study on the history of Kiai Hasyim Asy'ari's struggle which will be conveyed by the caretaker of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School Gus Kikin or KH Abdul Hakim Mahfudz," said Saiful.

Yang menarik dalam acara Surabaya Bershalawat nanti, Wali Kota Eri akan mendapat penghargaan sebagai seorang santri dari Ikatan Alumni Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng. Penganugerahan itu diberikan kepada Wali Kota Eri, karena dia dianggap sebagai santri Gus Kikin.

"Gus Kikin considers him his santri in Tebuireng, the plan is that the award will be given directly by Gus Kikin to the Mayor," he said.

Surabaya Bershalawat is not only to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, but also part of commemorating Santri Day in 2023. He hopes that, at the Commemoration of Santri Day 2023, togetherness between Mayor Eri and the students can be maintained.

"I really know, because the Mayor is also very close to the gus and kiai. I eat it, there is an award, because this is also part of commemorating Santri Day," he said.