Regarding The Declaration With The Vice Presidential Candidate, Prabowo Talks About Political Dynamics: We Will Finish It In The Shortest Time

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Gerindra Party who is also a presidential candidate (candidate) from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Prabowo Subianto said his declaration with his vice presidential candidate could be made in the near future. Everyone sees the political dynamics.

This was conveyed by Prabowo after attending the Golkar Party National Meeting, Saturday, October 21. From this activity, the party bearing the banyan symbol proposed Gibran as a vice presidential candidate who accompanied him in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

"I have answered at any time that the political dynamics of Indonesia requires a dynamical attitude that is flexible and the best faith for the people," Prabowo said at the Golkar Party DPP, Slipi, Jakarta.

Even so, Prabowo mentioned that there are many things that must be resolved before making a declaration.

"In these last days we have to solve strategic things in the shortest possible time," said the Minister of Defense (Menhan).

In addition, Prabowo also emphasized that Golkar's proposal still needs to be discussed with other parties that are members of the coalition.

"Because we KIM consist of now eight parties, the empir of parliamentary parties, and four non-Parliamentary parties but also have roots," he said

"So usually we will have meetings, deliberations, and later we will announce our joint decision," concluded Prabowo.