Ganjar Pair In The 2024 Presidential Election Announced Today, Is Mahfud MD Really?
JAKARTA - Prospective vice president (cawapres) accompanying Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) will be announced today, Wednesday, September 18. Is it true that the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD who was elected? Referring to the statement of Deputy Chairperson of the Presidential Ganjar National Winning Team (TPN GP) Benny Rhamdani, a candidate companion to Ganjar will be submitted by the general chairmen of the supporting parties. The party that supports Ganjar is PDI Perjuangan (PDIP), the United Development Party (PPP), the Hanura Party, and the Perindo Party. Benny said they will meet this morning. Will it be announced tomorrow (today, red) yes, yes, can it be no,'' said Benny to reporters, Tuesday, Tuesday, October 17. The meeting of the general chairmen of parties in the morning 10.00 at the PDIP DPP," continued. As for his figure, Benny said that his initials were M. However, the Hanura Party politician did not elaborate further. So that M can be Mahfud MD, Mas Erick Thohir, Mas Erick Andika Perkasa, Mas Ridwan Kamil, and Mbak Khofifah,'''' said Benny.," said Benny. In the middle of this issue, Mahfud MD's photo with Megawati was spread on Tuesday night. Both are suspected to meet and take pictures at the house of the 5th President of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia. There is no confirmation about this photo yet. However, PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said that the announcement of Ganjar's vice presidential candidate was confirmed this morning before the photo was widely circulated. The decision was taken by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri after hearing the latest political dynamics after the Constitutional Court (MK) decision. At 10.00 a candidate for vice president who will accompany Ganjar Pranowo,' said Hasto at Megawati's residence, Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
Just like Benny, Hasto also did not want to explain or give a lattice of the figure chosen to accompany Ganjar. He only said that this figure had the initials Indonesia Raya because together with the former Governor of Central Java, the two of them would work for the people. "So for Indonesia Raya for the people of Indonesia for mutual progress. We'll wait for tomorrow (today, ed)," said Hasto.