Flash Flood Hits West Sumatra Pasaman, 53 Vulnerable Groups From Babies To Affected Elderly

A total of 53 vulnerable groups ranging from infants, toddlers, pregnant women to the elderly (elderly) affected by flash floods in Nagari Durian Tinggi, Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

"The vulnerable group was affected and was evacuated because the overflowing water inundated their homes. Currently, they have received treatment," said Pasaman Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Chief Executive Alim Bazar in Lubuk Attitude, West Sumatra, Tuesday, October 17, quoted by Antara. He said the vulnerable group, namely a baby of three people, a toddler of 22 people, a pregnant mother of one person, and 27 elderly people. "There were no fatalities in this flash flood disaster. From the results of the meeting, it was stated that the disaster statement was not a disaster response," he said. His party also with other related teams continued to provide assistance to residents cleaning the mud material that inundated their houses and cleaning the road from the mud. land. Then the water will overflow again onto the roads and houses of residents.

Dari data sementara BPBD Pasaman, ada sekitar 103 Kepala Keluarga (KK) atau 237 jiwa terdampak banjir bandang yang terjadi tiga hari berturut-turut sejak 14-16 Oktober.Banjir bandang itu terjadi di tiga Kejorongan yakni Jorong Tampang sebanyak 31 KK atau 71 jiwa, Jorong Kampung Lua sebanyak 47 KK atau 89 jiwa, dan Jorong Kampung Lintang sebanyak 25 KK atau 77 jiwa.Ia mengimbau warga tetap waspada terhadap banjir susulan karena cuaca saat ini masih ekstrem dan hujan bisa datang secara tiba-tiba.Banjir bandang di pusat ibu kota Kabupaten Pasaman itu sudah terjadi tiga hari berturut-turut sejak 14-17 Oktober karena dipicu hujan deras mengakibatkan air sungai meluapSaat ini warga sebagian masih ada yang mengungsi ke tempat yang aman dan ada sebagian bertahan di rumah masing-masing.