Concerned About Tonali's Fate Trapped In Gambling, Zlatan Ibrahimovic: It's Like Drugs That Destroyed It

JAKARTA - Zlatan Ibrahimovic is concerned about the gambling case that ensnared his former team-mate at AC Milan, Sandro Tonali. He considered what ensnared Tonali like devastating drugs.

He also hopes that there will be parties who help Tonali regardless of gambling habits.

"If he (Sandro Tonali) is struggling with gambling, you and anyone should help him, because it's really like a devastating drug," Ibrahimovic was quoted as saying by Football Italia on Monday, October 16.

Sandro Tonali was caught in this gambling case not alone, several Italian national team players such as Nicolo Zaniolo and Juventus player Nicolo Fagioli were also dragged into it.

Tonali and Zaniolo reportedly committed illegal gambling while still playing in Italy. Currently Tonali and Zaniolo have played for English Premier League clubs Newcastle United and Aston Villa.

In the aftermath of this gambling case, Tonali and Zaniolo were dropped from the Italian national team who were playing the Euro 2024 qualifying match. They had to undergo an examination by the Italian Police for a gambling case.

Ibrahimovic admitted that he was surprised by this news. The reason he never saw the strange actions of Tonali during his time with the Rossoneri.

"I know very little about the story, I've never seen anything strange about him (Toneli)," said Ibra.

So far the police are still investigating. However, if Tonali is proven to be involved in illegal gambling, there will be punishment that must be served by the player.

Ibrahimovic himself explained clearly that he had also played gambling. But fortunately what he did didn't make him dragged into a black hole and addicted like what happened to Tonali.

"I've also played in casinos before, as everyone is free to do whatever they want with their own money. However, you are aware of your condition," he explained.

"But you can't judge it all before you know it all," concluded Ibra, responding wisely to Tonali's condition.