Today's Constitutional Court Decision On Minimum Age Rules For Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates, PSI Respects Whatever The Results

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) will respect whatever the Constitutional Court's decision on the provisions of the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates as stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. PSI believes that the Constitutional Court is independent in examining, adjudicating and deciding the matter test case on the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

PSI and its young cadres are one of the parties who submitted a request for a judicial review regarding the minimum age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates. The PSI judicial review and a number of parties related to the minimum age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates will be decided by the Constitutional Court on Monday, October 16.

"The Indonesian Solidarity Party respects the decision of the Constitutional Court which we believe is the best consideration in guarding Indonesia's democracy. Since its establishment, PSI has consistently been a party for young people and is guarding and fighting for the constitutional rights of young Indonesians," said PSI Legal Aid Institute Director

PSI's judicial review application was submitted by PSI on March 9, 2023 after going through internal discussions since December 2022, along with four young cadres, namely Anthony Winza Prabowo, Danik Eka Rahmaningtyas, Dedek Prayudi, and Mikhail Gorbachev Dom. PSI requested that the minimum age of presidential and vice presidential candidates, which are currently 40 years old, be returned as the two previous Election Laws to 35 years.

"PSI believes that age should not be an obstacle that burys dreams and hinders the competence of young people. Many young people have succeeded in becoming regional heads and are very likely to succeed in becoming heads of state if given the opportunity and trust," he explained.

Furthermore,men said that in 2019, PSI submitted a similar judicial review related to the minimum age of regional heads. Although, the judicial review was not granted by the Constitutional Court, it did not dampen PSI's struggle so that the public would provide the widest possible confidence space for young people who were competent.

"Moreover, the trend of countries in the world today also gives confidence to young people aged 35-39 years to become president and prime ministers," he said.

He believes in the independence of the Constitutional Court in deciding this case. "Once again PSI respects whatever the Constitutional Court's decision is, even though our petition is rejected because the Constitutional Court is an independent judicial institution, it does not work to intervene politically," he concluded.