A Total Of 675 Hectares Of Rice Fields In Bengkulu Drought

BENGKULU - Bengkulu City Food and Agriculture Service noted that rice fields in seven regions from nine sub-districts in the city have been affected by drought with a total area of 675 hectares.

"There are seven regions out of nine sub-districts that have rice fields in Bengkulu City and all these areas are currently affected by drought," said Head of the Horticultural Food Crops Division of Bengkulu City, Linda Asmarni, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

The seven areas affected by the drought are Muara Bangkahulu District covering an area of 280 hectares, Singaran Pati District as much as 176 hectares.

Then Queen Agung District 16 hectares, Sungai Serut District 128 hectares, Kampung Melayu District 18 hectares, Sewide District 51 hectares and Gading Cempaka District six hectares

With so many rice fields in Bengkulu City experiencing drought, said Linda, it is estimated that almost all farmers will fail to harvest due to the dead rice.

"It seems that it can be ascertained that the harvest will fail due to the long dry conditions this year, so that the water source drys up, even though various efforts have been made," he said.

In addition, his party has also appealed to farmers to take advantage of the water pump provided by the Bengkulu City Food and Agriculture Service and carry out self-help water extraction.

In addition, his party also invited farmers to plant crops first as long as rice fields could not be used because they experienced drought.

Previously, the Bengkulu Province Horticultural and Plantation Crops Service (TPHP) prepared 30 water pumps to anticipate drought in the dry season.

As well as maintaining the agricultural sector for food security, especially rice types in the Bengkulu Province to be maintained.