Brad Binder Is Not Worried About The Hot Weather At The Mandalika Circuit

JAKARTA - The 2023 MotoGP race will continue at the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, October 13-15. The riders are not only faced with challenging circuits, but also hot weather.

Red Bull KTM Factory Racing racer Brad Binder admitted that he was not worried about the weather. He did not make any special preparations to solve the problem.

The reason is, Binder is used to hot weather considering that his home country, South Africa, is also known to have hot temperatures.

"There is no preparation whatsoever, I come from South Africa, I am very used to hot temperatures. My schedule will not be disrupted, I can immediately focus on training," said Binder.

Binder then commented on the condition of the Mandalika Circuit, which reportedly had received a lot of refreshments. He also couldn't wait to race in the venue which has this beautiful sight.

"I heard the track has been updated, there are many renovations as well. Of course tomorrow (MandalikaGP) will be very interesting, the location (Lombok) is also very beautiful. I can't wait to visit Mandalika," said Binder, as quoted from Antara.

Binder said he was very happy to return to Mandalika. He looked at this race with optimism.

Currently Binder is in Jakarta to participate in promotional activities. He will leave for Lombok on Wednesday, October 11, this afternoon to prepare for the Indonesian MotoGP at the Mandalika Circuit.