Police Arrest 6 Perpetrators Of Premeditated Murder 3 People In Pannujuang Gowa

The police have uncovered a premeditated murder case and arrested six perpetrators of the murder of three people in Pannujuang Hamlet, Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi.

"The modus operandi of the perpetrators to commit violence together using sharp weapons, in the form of badik and machetes, resulted in the victim's death. The motive, revenge. The perpetrators of revenge because the victim Faisal and the wife of the perpetrator HL have been married in a serial manner," said South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Setyo Boedi Moempoeni Harso, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 6.

The Regional Police Chief said that three victims died with very serious injuries on their bodies because they received a badik stab and machete slashing when the perpetrator attacked the victim's house in Kalemandalle Village, Bajeng District at 01.18 WITA, Sunday (1/10) in the morning.

Based on the results of the post-mortem, the first victim, Abbas Daeng Tata (60), suffered lacerations to his stomach and head.

The second victim Faisal Daeng Romo (22) suffered stab wounds to his left eye, left pelvis, torn left abdomen, bruises on his face and bleeding eyes.

The third victim, Suaib Daeng Pasang (40) suffered a stab wound to the upper abdomen, a stab wound to the fingers of the five right hands. All three were executed while sleeping and were pronounced dead at the scene.

Meanwhile, the six perpetrators with their respective roles, namely HL (60), the legal husband of NW, wife siri Faisal, was the mastermind of the murder. At that time, he ordered an attack on the victim's house after a drinking party with other perpetrators.

Furthermore, the perpetrator MH (23) played a role in stabbing Faisal and committing violence against two other victims by slashing. The perpetrator HM (18) played a role in gathering other perpetrators and then partying alcohol as well as preparing an attack plan including preparing badik and executing victims.

The perpetrator with the initials I (18) played a role in entering the victim's house with a bow accompanied by arrows and was tasked with guarding the location during the attack with perpetrator S (19). And the perpetrator MT (54) played a role in obstructing the investigation by bringing the perpetrators away to Palu City, Central Sulawesi.

From the statements of 13 witnesses examined, it was confirmed that the six people were the perpetrators of premeditated murder to carry out the execution of their victims. As for the evidence, one machete and badik, two motorbikes, two pants and two bow arrows.

"For the suspicion in this case, the perpetrators with the initials HL, MH, HM, IA, and AA are suspected of Article 340 of the Criminal Code subsidiary to Article 338, subsidiary to Article 170 paragraph 3, subsidiary to Article 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55, 56 with the threat of death penalty or a minimum of life," he asserted.

The perpetrator MT is suspected of Article 221 of the Criminal Code, namely obstructing the investigation with a legal threat of 9 months in prison. The six perpetrators are now undergoing detention by the police awaiting trial.