MUI: Investment Must Guarantee Community Welfare Distribution
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Amirsyah Tambunan, said that investment must be able to ensure the distribution of welfare and public security.
"Investment must ensure the distribution of people's welfare and security," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 6.
Amirsyah assessed that if investment has the potential to cause mafsadah or damage, it is the responsibility of all parties to be able to solve it, including the ulama.
According to him, the state has the independence and sovereignty that must be shown, one of which is in the field of investment so that it is not controlled by the interests of certain groups.
"(The state) is independent and sovereign, including in investing and economic growth activities," he said.
Therefore, said Amirsyah, all forms of investment should also guarantee the rights of the nation, such as the sovereignty and human rights (HAM) of the community, as well as all things guaranteed by the constitution such as the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila.
"Just and civilized humanity and social justice for all Indonesian people must be obeyed, so be clear," he said.
Amirsyah said MUI and the ulama wanted the best solution for the people so that there was no right that was injured by the interests of a certain group.
He stated that his party is optimistic that the government will have the best solution regarding the problems on the island of Rempang.
"It's just how the government does political will (political policy), I think justice can be guaranteed," added Amirsyah.
Previously, the Head of the Center for the Development of Free Trade Areas and Free Ports (KPBPBB) and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) of the Batam Entrepreneurship Agency (BP Batam) Irfan Syakir Widyasa said the investment development project on Pulau Rempang was aimed at creating prosperity for the wider community.
"Because what was built in Rempang was for the welfare of the wider community, both the workforce and the people there were actually given large compensation," said Irfan on Wednesday (4/10).
He explained that the obstacles that had been faced during investment development on Pulau Rempang were caused by the delivery of information to people who had not been maximal until foreign interests and interests were involved.
"So far, information may not have arrived, because there are many interests, apart from the Pilwalkot, Pilgub, Pilpres, but apparently this incoming investment is also desired by other countries," said Irfan.